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Na PQQ e Betere ho feta CoQ10?


Na PQQ e Betere ho feta CoQ10?

2024-04-10 17:02:14


Sebakeng sa li-supplement, li-antioxidants li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho holiseng bophelo bo botle ka kakaretso le matla. Libapali tse peli tsa bohlokoa lebaleng lena kePQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone)leCoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) . Ka bobeli li tumme ka bokhoni ba tsona ba ho ts'ehetsa bophelo bo botle ba cellular le ho loants'a khatello ea oxidative. Empa ke ofe ea busang ka ho fetisisa? Ha re ke re hlahlobeng ka botebo potso ena 'me re manolle sephiri sa li-antioxidants.

Ho utloisisa Antioxidants:

Pele re bapisa PQQ le CoQ10, ho bohlokoa ho utloisisa bohlokoa ba li-antioxidants. Metsoako ena e fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala, e leng limolek’hule tse kotsi tse ka senyang lisele le ho tlatsetsa botsofaling le maloetseng. Ka ho senya li-radicals tsa mahala, li-antioxidants li thusa ho sireletsa lisele ho tsoa khatellong ea oxidative le ho boloka bophelo bo botle ka kakaretso.


PQQ: Mocha ea nang le Monyetla:

PQQ Powder e hapile tlhokomelo lilemong tsa morao tjena bakeng sa thepa ea eona e ikhethang. E sebetsa joalo ka cofactor ea redox mme e nka karolo litseleng tsa lipontšo tsa cellular, qetellong e khothaletsa biogenesis ea mitochondrial. Sena se bolela hore PQQ e ka ntlafatsa tlhahiso ea matla a cellular le ho ts'ehetsa ts'ebetso ea mitochondrial ka kakaretso, e leng bohlokoa bakeng sa bophelo bo botle le mahlahahlaha.

1. Mokhoa oa antioxidant oaPyrroloquinoline Quinone Powder Pqq Powder:

PQQ (Pyroquinoline Quinone) ke antioxidant e matla, 'me mekhoa ea eona ea mantlha ea antioxidant e kenyelletsa:

  1. Ho fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala:PQQ e ka sebetsana le li-radicals tsa mahala ho tsitsisa limolek'hule tsena tse sebetsang haholo le ho fokotsa tšenyo ea tsona liseleng.
  2. E ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea enzyme ea antioxidant:Liphuputso li bontšitse seoPyrroloquinoline Quinone disodium Letsoaie ka khothalletsa ts'ebetso ea li-enzyme tsa antioxidant, tse kang superoxide dismutase (SOD) le glutathione peroxidase (GPx), e tsoelang pele ho ntlafatsa matla a antioxidant a lisele.
  3. Ho sireletsa mitochondria: Mitochondria ke sebaka sa mantlha sa tlhahiso ea matla ka har'a lisele le sepheo se seholo sa khatello ea oxidative. PQQ ka tsela e sa tobang e fana ka litlamorao tsa antioxidant ka ho sireletsa mitochondria ts'enyong ea oxidative, ho khothaletsa ts'ebetso ea bona e tloaelehileng.

2.Papiso lipakeng tsa PQQ le li-antioxidants tse ling:

  1. Ha e bapisoa le CoQ10 : PQQ, PQQ e na le bioavailability e phahameng mme ka hona e ka sebetsa haholo ho latela thepa ea antioxidant. Ho feta moo, PQQ e ka khothaletsa tlhahiso ea mitochondrial mme ea fana ka mehloli e mengata ea matla bakeng sa lisele.
  2. Ho bapisoa le Vithamine C le Vithamine E : Leha PQQ le Vithamine C le Vithamine E ka bobeli e le li-antioxidants tse matla, mekhoa ea bona ea ts'ebetso le litlamorao li fapane hanyane. PQQ e ameha haholo ho laola matšoao a lisele le ts'ebetso ea mitochondrial, mme ha e bapisoa le livithamini C le E, PQQ e kanna ea ba le phello e felletseng ea antioxidant.


CoQ10: 'Mampoli ea Hlophisitsoeng:

Ka lehlakoreng le leng, Coenzyme Q10 esale e thoholetsoa e le antioxidant e matla. E bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ketane ea lipalangoang tsa elektronike, e thusa tlhahiso ea ATP le ho fana ka matla a cellular. Ho feta moo, CoQ10 e sebetsa e le antioxidant e matla, e sireletsang lisele ho tsoa tšenyo ea oxidative le ho tšehetsa bophelo bo botle ba pelo.

  1. Ho se nke lehlakore li-radicals tsa mahala: E 'ngoe ea mesebetsi e ka sehloohong ea coenzyme Q10 phofo ka liseleng ke ho fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala le ho fokotsa tšenyo ea khatello ea oxidative ho lisele. Li-radicals tsa mahala ke limolek'hule tse sebetsang haholo tse nang le elektronike e le 'ngoe e sa sebetsaneng e sebetsanang le li-macromolecules tsa likokoana-hloko liseleng, tse kang liprotheine, lipids le DNA, tse lebisang ho senyeha ha lisele le botsofali. Coenzyme Q10 e fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala ka ho fana ka lielektrone, ho fokotsa tšenyo ea tsona liseleng.
  2. Ho nchafatsa lintho tse ling tsa antioxidant: Coenzyme Q10 e ka boela ea tsosolosa lintho tse ling tsa antioxidant, tse kang vithamine E, ho e tsosolosa le ho ntlafatsa phello ea eona ea antioxidant.
  3. Ho sireletsa mosebetsi oa mitochondrial: Mitochondria ke litsi tsa tlhahiso ea matla ka har'a lisele le e 'ngoe ea lipheo tse ka sehloohong tsa khatello ea oxidative. Coenzyme Q10 e kenya letsoho ts'ebetsong ea phetisetso ea elektrone ea ketane ea phefumoloho ea mitochondrial, e thusa ho hlahisa matla a hlokahalang ke lisele le ho sireletsa mitochondria ho tsoa tšenyo ea oxidative, ho boloka ts'ebetso ea bona e tloaelehileng.
  4. Ho fokotsa khatello ea kelello ea oxidative: Phello ea antioxidant ea coenzyme Q10 e ka fokotsa maemo a khatello ea oxidative, ho boloka tekanyo ea redox ea lisele, ho thusa ho thibela tšenyo ea lisele le botsofali bo bakoang ke khatello ea oxidative, kahoo e sireletsa bophelo bo botle.

Tlhahlobo ea Papiso:

Ha ho bapisoa PQQ le CoQ10, ho na le lintlha tse 'maloa tse amehang:

  1. Bioavailability: CoQ10 e tsebahala haholo ka bioavailability ea eona e batlang e fokola, ho bolelang hore karolo e kholo e ka 'na ea se ke ea amoheloa ke' mele ka katleho. Ka lehlakoreng le leng, PQQ e bonts'a bioavailability e phahameng, e ka lebisang melemong e mengata ea bophelo bo botle.
  2. Tšehetso ea Mitochondrial: Ka bobeliPqq Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Powder le CoQ10 e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ts'ehetsa ts'ebetso ea mitochondrial. Leha ho le joalo, bokhoni ba PQQ ba ho khothaletsa biogenesis ea mitochondrial bo e arola, bo fana ka maikutlo a melemo e pharalletseng bakeng sa tlhahiso ea matla a cellular le mahlahahlaha ka kakaretso.
  3. Liphello tsa Synergistic: Liphuputso tse ling li fana ka maikutlo a hore PQQ le CoQ10 li ka ba le litlamorao ha li nkuoa hammoho. Ka ho shebana le likarolo tse fapaneng tsa bophelo bo botle ba lisele, li-antioxidants tsena li ka tlatsana 'me tsa fana ka melemo e ntlafalitsoeng.

CoQ Powder.png


Phehisanong pakeng tsa PQQ le CoQ10, ha ho na mohlodi ea hlakileng. Antioxidant e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e fana ka melemo e ikhethang 'me e ka ba e loketseng batho ba fapaneng ho latela lipheo le litlhoko tsa bona tsa bophelo bo botle. Le hoja CoQ10 e na le botumo ba nako e telele e le antioxidant e matla, PQQ e hlaha e le mocha ea tšepisang ea nang le melemo e ka bang teng mabapi le bioavailability le tšehetso ea mitochondrial.

Qetellong, khetho lipakeng tsa PQQ le CoQ10 e ka ipapisa le likhetho tsa motho ka mong le menahano ea bophelo bo botle. Bakeng sa ba batlang tšehetso e felletseng ea li-antioxidant, ho kopanya li-supplement ka bobeli e ka ba leano le bohlale la ho sebelisa litlamorao tsa synergistic le ho ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle ba cellular.

Xi'an tgybio Biotech Co.,LTD kePQQ Powder le Coenzyme Q10 Powder mofani oa thepa, re ka fana kaPQQ Capsules / PQQ TlatsetsoleCoenzyme Q10 Capsules / Coenzyme q10 Tlatsetso . Feme ea rona e ts'ehetsa litšebeletso tsa OEM/ODM One-stop, ho kenyelletsa le liphutheloana le lileibole tse ikhethileng. Haeba u thahasella, u ka romela e-mail horebecca@tgybio.comkapa WhatsApp +8618802962783.

Iteanye le rona


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  2. Littarru, GP, & Tiano, L. (2007). Bioenergetic le antioxidant thepa ea coenzyme Q10: tsoelo-pele ea morao-rao. Molek'hule Biotechnology, 37(1), 31-37.
  3. Nakano, M., Ubukata, K., Yamamoto, T., & Yamaguchi, H. (2009). Phello ea pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) ho boemo ba kelello ba batho ba lilemo tse mahareng le ba tsofetseng. FOOD Style, 21(13), 50-53.