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Na Ferulic Acid e Tšoanang le Vithamine C?


Na Ferulic Acid e Tšoanang le Vithamine C?

2024-07-03 15:37:27

Sebakeng sa skincare le litlatsetso tsa bophelo bo botle,phofo ea ferulic acid le phofo ea vithamine C e hapile tlhokomelo e kholo bakeng sa melemo ea bona e boletsoeng. Le hoja li atisa ho boleloa ka phefumoloho e le 'ngoe, ke metsoako e ikhethang e nang le thepa e ikhethang le mekhoa ea ts'ebetso. Sengoliloeng sena se ikemiselitse ho hlahlobisisa litšobotsi tsa asiti ea ferulic le vithamine C ho tsoa mekhoeng e fapaneng, ho thusa bareki ho etsa liqeto tse nepahetseng mabapi le tšebeliso ea bona le likamano tse ka bang teng.

Ho utloisisa Ferulic Acid

phofo e hloekileng ea Ferulic acid, e leng phytochemical e fumanoang limela tse fapa-fapaneng, ke ea lelapa la hydroxycinnamic acids. E sebetsa haholo-holo e le antioxidant e matla, ka katleho e fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala tse ka senyang lisele le ho kenya letsoho botsofaling le tsoelo-pele ea mafu. Mehloli e tloaelehileng e kenyelletsa bran, raese, oats, le litholoana le meroho e itseng e kang lilamunu le liapole. Ho skincare, ferulic acid e hlomphuoa ka bokhoni ba eona ba ho tsitsisa li-antioxidants tse ling joalo ka vithamine C le E, ka hona e matlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tsona ha e sebelisoa ka holimo.

Ho ithuta vithamine C

Vithamine C, eo hape e tsejoang e le ascorbic acid, ke limatlafatsi tsa bohlokoa tse tsebahalang ka mesebetsi ea eona e fapaneng ea 'mele. Ntle le ts'ebetso ea eona ea bohlokoa ho collagen synthesis, vithamine C ke antioxidant e matla e senyang li-radicals tsa mahala, e sireletsang lisele khatellong ea oxidative. E na le litholoana tse ngata tsa lamunu, monokotšoai le meroho e makhasi a matala. Ho skincare, vithamine C e ketekoa ka litlamorao tsa eona tse khanyang, e thusa ho fokotsa ho ata ha letlalo le ho ntlafatsa letlalo le letle haholoanyane.

asiti ea ferulic phofo.png

Ho Fapanya Likarolo Tsa Bona

Lintho tsa Antioxidant:

  • Ferulic Acid:E sebetsa e le stabilizer bakeng sa li-antioxidants tse ling, e lelefatsang ts'ebetso ea tsona.

(1). Sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale le mochine

Ferulic acid phofo e hloekileng ke ea sehlopha sa hydroxycinnamic acid, 'me sebopeho sa eona sa lik'hemik'hale se e fa botsitso bo botle le matla a antioxidant. E tšoara li-radicals tsa mahala le li-peroxide ho li thibela ho senya lisele le lisele. Ho feta moo, ferulic acid e ka sebetsa e le stabilizer bakeng sa li-antioxidants tse ling (joalo ka vithamine C le E), ho matlafatsa liphello tsa tsona le ho lelefatsa nako ea tsona ea ketso.

(2). Antioxidant thepa

Litlamorao tse ka sehloohong tsa antioxidant tsa ferulic acid li kenyelletsa:

. Bokhoni ba mahala ba ho hlakola: Ka ho hapa le ho fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala, asiti ea ferulic e fokotsa sekhahla sa khatello ea oxidative liseleng, e thusa ho boloka bophelo bo botle le ts'ebetso ea lisele.
. Phokotso ea oksijene: Ferulic acid e ka fokotsa bongata ba lintho tse nang le oxidative, ka ho etsa joalo e sireletsa lisele le lisele ho tsoa tšenyo ea oxidative.

  • Vithamine C:Ka kotloloho e fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala mme e nchafatsa li-antioxidants tse ling joalo ka vithamine E.

(1). Lintho tsa lik'hemik'hale le mekhoa
Lintho tsa antioxidant tsa vithamine C li hlahisoa haholo ke bokhoni ba eona ba ho:

. Nehelana ka lielektrone: Vithamine C e ka fana ka lielektrone ho li-radicals tsa mahala le limolek'hule tse ling tse sebetsang tsa oksijene, ka hona e fokotsa ts'ebetso ea tsona le ho fokotsa tšenyo ea oxidative liseleng le liseleng.
. Hlahisa li-antioxidants tse ling: Vithamine C e ka tsosolosa li-antioxidants tse ling tse nang le li-redox tse sa tsitsang, tse kang vithamine E, le ho ntlafatsa matla a tsona a antioxidant.

(2). Liphello tsa likokoana-hloko
Litlamorao tsa antioxidant tsa vithamine C 'meleng oa motho li kenyelletsa lintlha tse latelang:

. Tšireletso ea lisele: Vithamine C e ka sireletsa li-membrane tsa lisele litlhaselong tsa mahala tsa radical, kahoo li boloka botšepehi ba lisele le ts'ebetso.
. Liphello tse khahlanong le ho ruruha: Vithamine C e thusa ho fokotsa ho ruruha le tšenyo e amanang le lisele ka ho fokotsa khatello ea oxidative.
. Tšehetso ea 'mele oa ho itšireletsa mafung: Vithamine C e bapala karolo ea taolo mosebetsing oa lisele tsa' mele oa ho itšireletsa mafung 'me e thusa ho boloka tsamaiso ea' mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung.

Melemo ea Letlalo:

Ferulic Acid:E matlafatsa botsitso le katleho ea li-antioxidant tsa lihlooho, tse ka fokotsang matšoao a botsofali le tšenyo ea letsatsi.

(1). Liphello tsa ho soeufala le ho khantša matheba:

  • Rice Bran Extract Ferulic acid e ka thibela ka katleho tlhahiso ea melanin, ea fokotsa 'mala oa letlalo,' me ea thusa ho khantša matheba a lefifi, matheba le mathata a mang a mebala.
  • E ka thibela mosebetsi oa tyrosinase, kahoo e fokotsa sebopeho sa melanin le ho finyella phello ea ho soeufatsa letlalo.

(2). Phello ea Antioxidant:

  • Ferulic acid e na le thepa ea antioxidant 'me e ka fokotsa li-radicals tsa mahala le ho fokotsa tšenyo eo e e bakang letlalong.
  • Phello ena ea antioxidant e thusa ho fokotsa botsofali ba letlalo le ho boloka letlalo le phetse hantle ebile le le lecha.

(3). Thibela ho ruruha:

  • Ferulic acid e boetse e na le phello e itseng ho thibela likarabo tsa ho ruruha, ho thusa ho fokotsa bofubelu le ho se thabise ho bakoang ke ho ruruha ha letlalo.
    Moisturizing le phepo:
  • Le hoja asiti ea ferulic ka boeona e se moisturizer e matla, hangata e sebelisoa hammoho le metsoako e meng ea moisturizing lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea letlalo ho thusa ho boloka botsitso ba letlalo.

(4). Tšebeliso e pharaletseng:

Ka lebaka la tlhaho ea eona ea tlhaho le thepa e batlang e le bonolo, ferulic acid e loketse mefuta eohle ea letlalo, ho kenyeletsoa letlalo le sa utloeng litsebeng.

melemo ea ferulic acid.png

Vithamine C:E khantša letlalo, e fokotsa mela e metle, 'me e matlafatsa tlhahiso ea collagen bakeng sa letlalo le tiileng, le phetseng hantle.

(1). Phello ea Antioxidant:

Vithamine C ke antioxidant e matla e fokotsang li-radicals tsa mahala le ho fokotsa tšenyo ea tsona letlalong. Li-radicals tsa mahala ke e 'ngoe ea lintlha tse ka sehloohong tse lebisang botsofaling ba letlalo le mafu a letlalo. Vithamine C e thusa ho sireletsa letlalo khatellong ea oxidative ka phello ea eona ea antioxidant.

(2). Khothalletsa tlhahiso ea collagen:

Vithamine C e khothalletsa tlhahiso ea collagen letlalong, e leng protheine ea bohlokoa e bolokang sebopeho le elasticity ea letlalo. Ha re ntse re tsofala, tlhahiso ea collagen e fokotseha butle-butle, e lebisang ho sisinyeha ha letlalo le ho thehoa ha wrinkles. Vithamine C e ka thusa ho tlatsa le ho matlafatsa scaffold ea collagen ea letlalo, ho thusa ho boloka ho tiea le elasticity ea letlalo.

(3). Thibela sebopeho sa melanin:

Vithamine C e khona ho thibela tšebetso ea tyrosinase, e leng enzyme ea bohlokoa tlhahisong ea melanin. Ka ho fokotsa ho thehoa ha melanin, vithamine C e thusa ho fifala matheba le li-freckles, ho etsa hore letlalo le be le ho feta.

(4). Tšusumetso e tšoeu:

Vithamine C e ka thibela tlhahiso ea melanin letlalong, e thusa ho ntlafatsa letlalo le lerootho le ho etsa hore letlalo le be le khanyang le ho feta.

vithamine C Bakeng sa letlalo.png

Mekhoa ea ts'ebetso:

  • Ferulic Acid:E sebetsa ka tumellano le li-antioxidants tse ling ho holisa litlamorao tsa tsona tsa ts'ireletso.
  • Vithamine C:E ntlafatsa ho lokisoa ha lisele le ho ts'ehetsa ts'ebetso ea 'mele ea ho itšireletsa mafung ho feta mesebetsi ea antioxidant.

Liphello tsa Synergistic

Ha li kopantsoe, asiti ea ferulic le vithamine C li bonts'a litlamorao tsa synergistic tse holisang melemo ea bona ka bomong. Liphuputso li fana ka maikutlo a hore ferulic acid e matlafatsa botsitso ba vithamine C, e eketsa katleho ea eona ho loantša khatello ea kelello ea oxidative le ho khothalletsa motsoako oa collagen. Synergy ena e na le molemo ka ho khetheha ho li-skincare formulations, moo kopo e kopantsoeng e ka hlahisang liphello tse phahameng tsa ho thibela botsofali le ho sireletsa letlalo.

Ho Khetha Sehlahisoa se Nepahetseng

Ha u khetha lihlahisoa tsa letlalo kapa li-supplement tsa lijo tse nang le ferulic acid le vithamine C, nahana ka lintlha tse latelang:

  • Tlhahiso:Batla metsoako e tsitsitseng e tiisang hore ho tsamaisoa hantle le ho sebetsa hantle ha metsoako ka bobeli.
  • Tsepamiso ea maikutlo:Maemo a phahameng a vithamine C (ka tloaelo 10-20%) a kopantsoe le ferulic acid (hoo e ka bang 0.5-1%) hangata a buelloa bakeng sa melemo e hlokomelehang.
  • Sephutheloana:Khetha lijana tse sa keneleng moea, tse opaque ho fokotsa ho pepesehela khanya le moea, ho boloka matla a metsoako e sebetsang.

Xi'an tgybio Biotech Co., Ltd keferulic acid phofo feme 'me ka nako e ts'oanang, re mofani oa phofo ea vithamine C. re ka fana kali-capsules tsa ferulic acidleli-capsules tsa vithamine C . Feme ea rona e ka fana ka ts'ebeletso ea OEM/ODM One-stop, ho kenyelletsa liphutheloana le lileibole tse ikhethileng. Haeba u batla ho tseba haholoanyane, u ka romella lengolo-tsoibila hoRebecca@tgybio.comkapa WhatsApp+8618802962783.


Qetellong, le hoja asiti ea ferulic le vithamine C e le metsoako e fapaneng e nang le mesebetsi le mekhoa e fapaneng ea ts'ebetso, ts'ebeliso ea tsona e kopantsoeng e ka ntlafatsa ka mokhoa o ts'oanang melemo ea tlhokomelo ea letlalo le bophelo bo botle. Hore na o batla ho loantša matšoao a botsofali, ho sireletsa khahlanong le lintho tse bakang tikoloho, kapa ho ntlafatsa bophelo bo botle ba letlalo, lihlahisoa tse nang le asiti ea ferulic le vithamine C li fana ka menyetla e kholo. Ka ho utloisisa litšoaneleho tsa bona tse ikhethang le likamano, bareki ba ka etsa liqeto tse nang le tsebo tse lumellanang le sepheo sa bona sa ho hlokomela letlalo le bophelo bo botle.


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  2. Lin, FH, le ba bang. (2005). Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 125 (4), 826-832.
  3. Saric, S., et al. (2005). Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 4 (1), 44-53.